Black Cat The House of the Seven Gables + CD ( Reading & Training Level 4)

Nathaniel Hawthorne Adaptation by Gina D. B. Clemen Activities by Monica Marszewska

ISBN: 9788853004642

zjednodušená anglická četba pro mládež a dospělé s poslechovým CD ( úroveň 4) V sedmnáctém století skrývá dům se sedmi štíty staré prokletí a strašné tajemství. Život rodiny Pyncheonových znepříjemňuje chamtivost, nenávist a zbabělost. Až láska dvou mladých lidí mění průběh osudu ...

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Black Cat The House of the Seven Gables + CD ( Reading & Training Level 4)  : 9788853004642

243 Kč

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zjednodušená anglická četba pro mládež a dospělé s poslechovým CD ( úroveň 4) V sedmnáctém století skrývá dům se sedmi štíty staré prokletí a strašné tajemství. Život rodiny Pyncheonových znepříjemňuje chamtivost, nenávist a zbabělost. Až láska dvou mladých lidí mění průběh osudu ... Human interest The seventeenth-century house of the seven gables shelters an old curse and a terrible secret. The lives of the Pyncheon family are ruined by greed, hatred and cowardice. Hepzibah and Clifford Pyncheon are tormented by the memories and ghosts of the past, until the love of two young people changes the course of destiny... Description: The READING & TRAINING series is composed of illustrated graded readers, aimed at teenagers and adults. The readers are graded into six levels - from elementary/pre-lower intermediate to post-intermediate - according to internationally recognised criteria for structural grading. Features: • introduction about the author and his/her times • wide variety of interesting activities to promote understanding of the text, as well as all four language skills, lexis and sociocultural awareness and knowledge • activities in the style of the Cambridge ESOL and Trinity exams • informative and fascinating cross-curricular dossiers, which explore the historical and cultural background of the text • a recording on CD of the text in British or American English, with extra listening activities • extensive vocabulary footnotes, with phonetic transcription of more unusual words • exit tests • guided internet projects An answer key and an additional exit test for each reader are available online as a PDF file at the Black Cat website. Further info on grading can be found in the 'The Black Cat Guide to Graded Readers'.

americká angličtina
Nathaniel Hawthorne Adaptation by Gina D. B. Clemen Activities by Monica Marszewska
paperback + Audio CD
Rok vydání
Počet stran
Intermediate (1400-1900 Headwords)