Business Language Practice

Lowe, Susan & Pile, Louise

ISBN: 9783125013261

Kniha má za cíl pomoci studentům rozvíjet znalosti gramatiky a slovní zásoby obchodní angličtiny.

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Business Language Practice : 9783125013261

650 Kč

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Kniha má za cíl pomoci studentům rozvíjet znalosti gramatiky a slovní zásoby obchodní angličtiny. Description: Pre-intermediate - Intermediate / B1-B2

Business English Language Practice aims to help learners of Business English develop grammar and vocabulary needed to participate in business effectively.

The book can be used to support the rest of the Delta Business Communication Skills series, building on topics covered there, or can be used independently for grammar and vocabulary practice.

Business English Language Practice is divided into a Practice section and a Reference section for both vocabulary and grammar. Within each, there are 12 vocabulary topics and 12 grammar topics.

It opens with a Needs Analysis, encouraging students to consider what they need to focus on in order to get the most out of the book and their learning.

The book features a Learning Journal, providing the opportunity to reflect on and personalize what is studied in the book, and contains the full Answer Key, enabling students to work alone or with a teacher.

Topics: Grammar Present tenses Past tenses Will and going to Modals Conditionals -ing forms and infinitives Comparatives and superlatives Relative clauses Articles Determiners Passives Reported speech Vocabulary Companies and offices Finance Logistics Meetings and conferences People and places Personnel Planning Production and processes Projects and teams Sales and marketing Telephoning and emailing Training

Lowe, Susan & Pile, Louise
paperback + Audio CD
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