Classroom-Based Evaluation in Second Language Education PB

Genesee, F. & Upshur, J.

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521566810

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Classroom-Based Evaluation in Second Language Education PB : 9780521566810

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kniha pro učitele Written to help foreign and second language educators in planning and carrying out effective evaluations in their classrooms emphasizes the value of classroom-based assessment as a tool for improving both teaching and learning. framework for evaluation; collecting information. Part 2 Evaluating without tests: observation in the classroom; portfolios and conferences; journals testing; objectives-referenced testing; devising test tasks; assembling and scoring tests; interpreting test scores; standardized tests; summary and integration. Contents: Part 1 Getting started: the context of second language evaluation; a framework for evaluation; collecting information. Part 2 Evaluating without tests: observation in the classroom; portfolios and conferences; journals testing; objectives-referenced testing; devising test tasks; assembling and scoring tests; interpreting test scores; standardized tests; summary and integration.

Cambridge University Press
Genesee, F. & Upshur, J.
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