Collins Easy Learning English Spelling

ISBN: 9780008100810

Collins Easy Learning English Spelling je vhodný pro každého, kdo chce zlepšit svůj pravopis a psát přesněji a působivě.

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Collins Easy Learning English Spelling : 9780008100810

316 Kč

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Collins Easy Learning English Spelling je vhodný pro každého, kdo chce zlepšit svůj pravopis a psát přesněji a působivě.

Collins Easy Learning English Spelling is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their spelling and write more accurately and impressively. By describing the important features of English spelling and rules to use, this book makes spelling easy.

Using simple explanations and corpus examples, Collins Easy Learning English Spelling describes the patterns and rules you need to understand and predict how words are spelt in English. It also provides practical advice on learning words that are difficult to spell, and shows why some words can cause problems for even the most experienced users of English.

With its alphabetical index of tricky words, along with useful tips for memorising these, Collins Easy Learning English Spelling is ideal for all users of English who want to become good spellers.


Rok vydání
B1 Pre-Intermediate - C1 Advanced