Helbling Readers Red Series Level 3 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer + Audio CD (Mark Twain, adapted by David A. Hill)

Mark Twain Adapted by David A. Hill

Helbling Languages
ISBN: 9783990458082

Dobrodružný příběh Toma Sawyera a jeho přátel Huck Finna a Joe Harpera, kteří vyrůstají podél břehů Mississippi... Série zjednodušené četby pro mládež s poslechovým CD. Červená řada je zaměřena na mladé teenagery a zahrnuje výběr klasiky a původní beletrie upravené pro začátečnickou úroveň.

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241 Kč * 284 Kč

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239 Kč

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Helbling Readers Red Series Level 3 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer + Audio CD (Mark Twain, adapted by David A. Hill) : 9783990458082

241 Kč

Více o produktu

Dobrodružný příběh Toma Sawyera a jeho přátel Huck Finna a Joe Harpera, kteří vyrůstají podél břehů Mississippi... Série zjednodušené četby pro mládež s poslechovým CD. Červená řada je zaměřena na mladé teenagery a zahrnuje výběr klasiky a původní beletrie upravené pro začátečnickou úroveň.

The best-loved story of  Tom Sawyer and his friends Huck Finn and Joe Harper as they grow up along the banks of the Mississippi.river. They run away to be pirates and come back in time for their own funerals, they witness a murder and they find treasure. Join them for fun and adventure and some difficult lessons in growing up.

Helbling Readers Red Series is aimed at young teenagers. It includes a selection of adapted classics and original fiction to get your students reading for pleasure right from beginner level.

Helbling Classics

A series of well-known classic stories by world-famous authors that have been chosen, and adapted, to appeal to young teenagers.
Careful selection of stories with suitable content and language level has allowed the flavour of the originals to remain. 
Reflection boxes throughout the stories help understanding, and draw links with the students' own lives. While detailed Before and After Reading activities help and check understanding.
A clear introduction gives information about the author and the story


Helbling Languages
Mark Twain Adapted by David A. Hill
paperback + Audio CD
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