How to Teach Business English

Schofield, J

ISBN: 9780582779969

příručka pro učitele angličtiny s praktickými nápady a fotokopiemi pro zpestření výuky angličtiny

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How to Teach Business English : 9780582779969

1,011 Kč

Více o produktu

příručka pro učitele angličtiny s praktickými nápady a fotokopiemi pro zpestření výuky angličtiny Description: The How to...series offers practical teaching ideas within a clear, theoretical framework. Each title includes a photocopiable 'Task File' of training and reflection activities to reinforce the theories and practical ideas presented.

Covers key areas such as course preparation, materials and creation, and exploiting essential teaching techniques for different business contexts
Gives special emphasis to intercultural training and electronic learning
Sample lessons and activities throughout the book for teachers to use immediately in their teaching practice

  • An analysis of how listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as grammar and vocabulary, are tested in a range of exams, and a description of appropriate teaching strategies for each
  • A guide to all the major international English language exams and information on how to keep up-to-date with changes to these exams

Schofield, J
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