Interactive Approaches to 2nd Lang Reading PB

Carell et al

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521358743

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Interactive Approaches to 2nd Lang Reading PB : 9780521358743

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kniha pro učitele angličtiny se zaměřuje na dovednost čtení This authoritative collection presents up-to-date theory, research, and classroom applications in second language reading from an interactive perspective. The book supports the view that reading in a second language is an interactive process, whereby the learner's own background and knowledge contribute to understanding reading material. Several models of the reading process are considered, and classroom applications are explored. Language teachers, teachers in training, and researchers in the field of reading will find this book invaluable. Contents: Series editors' preface; Preface; Introduction: interactive approaches to second language reading Patricia L. Carrell; Part I. Interactive Models of Reading: 1. The reading process Kenneth Goodman; 2. Models of the reading process S. Jay Samuels and Michael L. Kamil; 3. A schema-theoretic view of basic processes in reading comprehension Richard C. Anderson and P. David Pearson; 4. Reassessing the term 'interactive' William Grabe; Part II. Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading - Theory: 5. Schema theory and ESL reading pedagogy Patricia L. Carrell and Joan C. Eisterhold; 6. Holding in the bottom: an interactive approach to the language problems of second language readers David E. Eskey; 7. Some causes of text-boundedness and schema interference in ESL reading Patricia L. Carrell; 8. The short circuit hypothesis of ESL reading - or when language competence interferes with reading performance Mark A. Clarke; Part III. Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading - Empirical Studies: 9. A case study of two readers: models of reading and reading performance Joanne Devine; 10. Changes in cohesion in the recall of native and foreign texts Margaret S. Steffensen; 11. Reading English for specialized purposes: discourse analysis and the use of student informants Andrew Cohen, Hilary Glasman, Phyllis R. Roasenbaum-Coheen, Jonathan Ferrara and Jonathan Fine; 12. This test is unfair: I'm not an economist J. Charles Alderson and A. H. Urquhart; 13. The effects of induced schemata on the 'short circuit' in L2 reading: non-decoding factors in L2 reading performance Thom Hudson; 14. The Miscue-ESL project Pat Rigg; Part IV. Implications and Applications of Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading - Pedagogy: 15. Interactive models for second language reading: perspectives on instruction David E. Eskey and William Grabe; 16. Interactive text processing: implications for ESL/second language reading classrooms Patricia L. Carrell; 17. The relationship between general language competence and second language reading proficiency: implications for teaching Joanne Devine; Index.

Cambridge University Press
Carell et al
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