Language of Business Meetings, The

Handford, Mike

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521133432

Tato inovativní kniha představuje hloubkové studium jazyka používaného účastníky obchodních jednání.

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Language of Business Meetings, The : 9780521133432

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Tato inovativní kniha představuje hloubkové studium jazyka používaného účastníky obchodních jednání.

Description: This innovative volume presents an in-depth study of the language used by participants in business meetings. The cutting-edge research draws on the Cambridge and Nottingham Business English Corpus (CANBEC), a unique resource which brings together meetings of different types both within and between companies, involving speakers whose roles and responsibilities vary, and who represent a range of nationalities and first languages. Keywords, concordance lines and discourse analysis provide thorough insights into aspects such as the structural stages of meetings, participants' discursive practices, interpersonal language and creativity, and power and constraint. The author concludes by making practical suggestions for using these findings to inform the teaching of business English.
Contents: Series editors' preface Acknowledgements Transcription conventions 1 CANBEC: Corpus and context 1.1 Data collection 1.2 Corpus constituency 1.3 Contextual information 1.4 Transcription and anonymization 1.5 Corpus size and generalizability 1.6 Outline of the book References 2 Background: Theory and methodology 2.1 Theory 2.2 Methodology 2.3 Summary References 3 The business-meeting genre: Stages and practices 3.1 Applying Bhatia's multi-perspective model of discourse to business meetings 3.2 The meeting matrix 3.3 Applying the meeting matrix 3.4 Summary References 4 Significant meeting words: Keywords and concordances 4.1 Institutional language and everyday English 4.2 Lexico-grammatical theoretical considerations 4.3 Word frequencies 4.4 Keywords 4.5 Summary References 5 Discourse marking and interaction: Clusters and practices 5.1 Defining clusters 5.2 Clusters in business research 5.3 Cluster lists 5.4 Categorization of clusters 5.5 Clusters in context 5.6 Summary References 6 Interpersonal language: Pronouns, backchannels, vague language, hedges and deontic modality 6.1 The transactional/relational linguistic distinction 6.2 Pronouns 6.3 Backchannels 6.4 Vague language 6.5 Hedges 6.6 Deontic modality 6.7 Summary References 7 Interpersonal creativity: Problem, issue, if, and metaphors and idioms 7.1 Problem and issue 7.2 If 7.3 Metaphors and idioms 7.4 Summary References 8 Turn-taking: Power and constraint 8.1 Turn-taking in internal meetings 8.2 Turn-taking in external meetings 8.3 Summary References 9 Teaching and learning implications 9.1 Who is the learner? 9.2 Teaching materials: What do they teach? 9.3 How can a corpus such as CANBEC be exploited? 9.4 Summary References Appendix Index

Cambridge University Press
Handford, Mike
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