Language Teaching Pronunciation


Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194371971

Kniha je určena pro učitele, kteří chtějí zdokonalit svou odbornou kvalifikaci

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Language Teaching Pronunciation : 9780194371971

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Kniha je určena pro učitele, kteří chtějí zdokonalit svou odbornou kvalifikaci This book introduces the basic principles and terminology of this important, but often neglected, aspect of language teaching. The authors evaluate samples from published materials, and outline classroom projects designed to help readers develop their teaching in this area.

The books in this scheme are intended for teachers who want to deepen the knowledge which informs their professional skills, whether they are on in-service courses or working with colleagues in teacher development groups. The individual teacher and teacher-trainer may also find them a useful resource for in-depth treatment of topics which can only be referred to briefly in general courses.

There are three sub-series in the scheme: Sub-series One focuses on language knowledge: Grammar, Pronunciation, Discourse and Vocabulary. Sub-series Two focuses on the ways in which language is used: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing (forthcoming). Sub-series Three focuses on issues important in the teaching and learning process: Classroom Interaction, Roles of Teachers and Learners, Syllabus Design, and Evaluation.

Each book in the scheme has three sections, a combination of explanatory text and tasks. Section One considers theoretical issues, Section Two shows how these issues have been realized in teaching materials, and Section Three provides ideas for action research.

Oxford University Press
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