Oxford Applied Linguistics Sociocognitive Persepectives on Language Use And Language Learning

Batstone, Rob

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194424776

Oxford Applied Linguistics prezentuje kontroverzní témata souvisejících s používáním jazyka, včetně procesu učení, vyučování, výzkumu a politiky....

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Oxford Applied Linguistics Sociocognitive Persepectives on Language Use And Language Learning : 9780194424776

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Oxford Applied Linguistics prezentuje kontroverzní témata souvisejících s používáním jazyka, včetně procesu učení, vyučování, výzkumu a politiky.... Description: Oxford Applied Linguistics features books providing thorough yet accessible coverage of controversial topics related to language use, including learning, teaching, research, and policy. All titles are based on extensive research and include comprehensive bibliographies. The authors are noted authorities in their fields. This volume is a collection of papers presented at a conference on sociocognition. It brings theory and practice together by exploring learners' engagements with language for learning as both social and cognitive phenomena.

Oxford University Press
Batstone, Rob
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