Oxford Placement Tests (Revised Edition) 1 Pack

Allan, Dave

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194309004

Balíček 40 rozřazovacích testů, který poskytuje snadný a praktický způsob rozdělení studentů podle jejich úrovně. - kniha

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Oxford Placement Tests (Revised Edition) 1 Pack : 9780194309004

914 Kč

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Balíček 40 rozřazovacích testů, který poskytuje snadný a praktický způsob rozdělení studentů podle jejich úrovně. - kniha

Placement test pack which provides an easy, practical way of grading students. Key features: * A reliable and efficient means of grading and placing students into classes. * Both Test Packs contain: 40 Test Papers; a practical introduction which outlines the Test and gives guidance on how to administer it; and a Levels Chart which helps determine realistic examination targets and suitable teaching material. * The tests are divided into two sections: a Listening Test (ten minutes) and a Grammar Test (up to one hour). * Tests 1 and 2 function as parallel tests, providing tests for different situations, such as progress and exit testing. * A Marking Kit is also available, providing marking overlays, further guidance on administering and grading the tests, and a diagnostic key.

Oxford University Press
Allan, Dave
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