Oxford World´s Classics - French Literature Six French Poets of the Nineteenth Century With parallel French Text


Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199554782

klasická francouzská literatura v anglickém překladu

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Oxford World´s Classics - French Literature Six French Poets of the Nineteenth Century With parallel French Text : 9780199554782

378 Kč

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klasická francouzská literatura v anglickém překladu
Arthur Rimbaud

The active and colourful lives of the poets of nineteenth-century France are reflected in the diversity and vibrancy of their works. At once sacred and profane, passionate and satirical, these remarkable and innovative poems explore the complexities of human emotion and ponder the great questions of religion and art. They form as rich a body of work as any one age and language has ever produced.

This unique anthology includes generous selections from the six nineteenth-century French poets most often read in the English-speaking world today: Lamartine, Hugo, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, and Mallarmé. Modern translations are printed opposite the original French verse, and the edition contains over a thousand lines of poetry never previously translated into English.

Oxford University Press
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