People Speak

Firth, Colin;Arnove, Anthony

ISBN: 9780857864482

originální anglická četba - Tells the story of Britain through the voices of the visionaries, dissenters, rebels and everyday folk who took on the Establishment and stood up for what they believed in. This book includes their stories, letters, speeches and songs.

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originální anglická četba - Tells the story of Britain through the voices of the visionaries, dissenters, rebels and everyday folk who took on the Establishment and stood up for what they believed in. This book includes their stories, letters, speeches and songs. "The idea was simple - take the most impassioned speeches about the fight for what is right and bring them to life for a new generation". (Colin Frith). The People Speak tells the story of Britain through the voices of the visionaries, dissenters, rebels and everyday folk who took on the Establishment and stood up for what they believed in. Here are their stories, letters, speeches and songs, from John Ball to Daniel Defoe; from Thomas Paine to Oscar Wilde; from the peasants' revolts to the suffragists to the anti-war demonstrators of today. Spanning almost 1,000 years and over 150 individual voices, these are some of the most powerful words in our history. Compiled by Academy Award-winning actor Colin Firth, influential writer Anthony Arnove and acclaimed historian David Horspool, The People Speak reminds us that history is not something gathering dust on a library shelf - and that democracy has never been a spectator sport.

Firth, Colin;Arnove, Anthony
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