Pictures for Language Learning

Wright, Andrew

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521358002

Kniha pro učitele nabízí kolekci 200 aktivit využívajících obrázky při výuce

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Pictures for Language Learning : 9780521358002

846 Kč

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Kniha pro učitele nabízí kolekci 200 aktivit využívajících obrázky při výuce The aim of this book is to help teachers use pictures creatively in the classroom. The first section describes ways of using pictures and the second contains a collection of 200 activities based on pictures which can be used with whole classes Emphasis on speaking and writing: introduction; mechanical practice; communication and challenges; communication and opportunities; mini- dialogues; role play and simulation. Part 3 Emphasis on listening and reading: pictures and the teaching of meaning; developing listening and reading skills; communication and challenges; communication and opportunities. Part 4 Finding what to do with a picture; types of picture and types of use; creating and adapting pictures; filing pictures.
Contents: Part 1 Pictures in the language classroom: key considerations. Part 2 Emphasis on speaking and writing: introduction; mechanical practice; communication and challenges; communication and opportunities; mini- dialogues; role play and simulation. Part 3 Emphasis on listening and reading: pictures and the teaching of meaning; developing listening and reading skills; communication and challenges; communication and opportunities. Part 4 Finding what to do with a picture; types of picture and types of use; creating and adapting pictures; filing pictures.

Cambridge University Press
Wright, Andrew
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