Practical Faster Reading Book

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521213462

Practical Faster Reading provides the basis for a reading improvement course lasting a total of 30 class hours and has proved popular with students and teachers in a variety of settings. Intermediate to Upper-intermediate, Advanced.

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Practical Faster Reading Book : 9780521213462

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Practical Faster Reading provides the basis for a reading improvement course lasting a total of 30 class hours and has proved popular with students and teachers in a variety of settings. Intermediate to Upper-intermediate, Advanced.

Practical Faster Reading provides the basis for a reading improvement course lasting a total of 30 class hours and has proved popular with students and teachers in a variety of settings. Thirty passages covering a wide range of topics of general interest and accompanying exercises give practice in the reading skills needed at upper-intermediate and more advanced levels. Substantial increases in reading speed are usually attained with improvements in comprehension and vocabulary. The full answer key for self-checking also makes this useful for the student working alone.


Preface; Acknowledgements; How to use this book; 1. Faster effective reading; 2. Obstacles to faster effective reading; 3. Hints for reading practice (part 1); 4. Hints for reading practice (part 2); 5. Money; 6. Diamonds; 7. Canning food; 8. The Olympic Games; 9. Auction sales; 10. The planemakers; 11. Dreams - what do they mean?; 12. To be or not to be a vegetarian; 13. Making leather; 14. Cats; 15. The history of chemistry; 16. Electric fish; 17. Dried food; 18. The United Nations; 19. Pottery; 20. Pasteurization; 21. Modern surgery; 22. Smoking and cancer; 23. Rabies; 24. Vitamins; 25. Bringing up children (part 1); 26. Bringing up children (part 2); 27. Etiquette (part 1); 28. Etiquette (part 2); 29. Social classes (part 1); 30. Social classes (part 2); Answers.

Cambridge University Press