Richmond Mazes Upper Intermediate Feeling the Heat at Radio Flame

ISBN: 9788466818520

Zcela nová interaktivní anglická četba pro dospělé od nakladatelství Richmond s poslechem volně ke stažení. Série se zaměřuje na pracovní prostředí a umožňuje čtenáři rozšíření slovní zásoby, osvojení si vazeb a slovních spojení potřebných při jednáních a obchodním styku zcela netradiční formou....

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Richmond Mazes Upper Intermediate Feeling the Heat at Radio Flame : 9788466818520

181 Kč

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Zcela nová interaktivní anglická četba pro dospělé od nakladatelství Richmond s poslechem volně ke stažení. Série se zaměřuje na pracovní prostředí a umožňuje čtenáři rozšíření slovní zásoby, osvojení si vazeb a slovních spojení potřebných při jednáních a obchodním styku zcela netradiční formou. Čtenář sám vybírá možnosti dalšího vývoje děje. Tentokrát si můžete sami vyzkoušet své managerské schopnosti v komerčním rádiu.

Description: You have been working at Radio Flame's Scottish station for almost three years when you are promoted to station manager. However, you soon find out that this is not a dream move. You are in a ratings war with rivals Dubh FM. Your boss has told you that if you do not win the war, the Scottish station will be closed. Not only do you have to make Radio Flame a commercial success, you also have to adjust to being your former colleagues' new manager, and you quickly discover that things are not always as they seem. You will find lots of useful business vocabulary presented in a natural context in this maze. As well as improving your English, you will find out lots of things about the media industry and how companies work. Good luck finding your way through the maze!

The Richmond Mazes are a brand-new series of interactive readers with a difference. Available as both apps and printed readers, they offer students a challenging but fun way of improving their knowledge of the English language. 
The first titles launch in 2014 and each one focuses on a realistic scenario from the world of work. Each original piece of fiction offers students a series of choices, allowing them to steer their own path through the story and create alternative outcomes. They can win bonus points by selecting the most appropriate route or even be sent back to the very beginning if they make the wrong choice! 
Download Alastair Lane's top tips for using the Richmond Mazes

Key Features:
• Graded language to suit students at all four levels 
• Glossary section with explanations of key business vocabulary 
• Focus on working situations helps students see business language in context 
• Rich mixture of audio and colour illustrations brings the stories to life 
• "My-route" option lets students re-read the maze and explore alternative endings

Rok vydání
B2 Upper Intermediate