Teacher Research in Language Teaching PB

Borg, Simon

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521152631

Based on original research, this book explores the fundamental relationship between research and practice in English language teaching.

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Teacher Research in Language Teaching PB : 9780521152631

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Více o produktu

Based on original research, this book explores the fundamental relationship between research and practice in English language teaching.

Level: Native Speaker / Teacher

Description: Based on original research, this book explores the fundamental relationship between research and practice in English language teaching.

Teacher Research in Language Teaching uses empirical evidence taken from an international survey of over 1,700 teachers and educational managers, over a period of six years. It examines their views of research, whether they read ELT research, and whether they do their own research. The author goes on to explore the process which teachers go through in learning to do research, and the research cultures within teaching institutions. The book concludes with a review of the key findings to emerge from the research and a discussion of strategies through which language teacher research engagement can be promoted more productively.

Contents: Series editors' preface


Introduction: teacher research as a paradox

1. Research and teachers

2. Investigating teacher research engagement

3. Conceptions of research in language teaching

4. Teacher engagement with research

5. Teacher engagement in research

6. Research engagement and teaching quality

7. Research cultures in language teaching

8. Facilitating teacher research projects

9. Promoting language teacher research engagement



Cambridge University Press
Borg, Simon
Rok vydání
Native Speaker / Teacher