The grammar tree

Colucci, Chiara

ISBN: 9788853634269

hra, která pomáhá studentům naučit se a upevnit anglickou gramatiku a slovesné tvary. Hra se skládá ze 132 karet s otázkami s výběrem odpovědi, rozdělených do dvou balíčků různých barev.

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The grammar tree : 9788853634269

443 Kč

Více o produktu

hra, která pomáhá studentům naučit se a upevnit anglickou gramatiku a slovesné tvary. Hra se skládá ze 132 karet s otázkami s výběrem odpovědi, rozdělených do dvou balíčků různých barev.

What is it?
The Grammar Tree is a game which helps students to learn and consolidate English grammar and verb forms. The multiple-choice format makes learning English grammar fun.

Language aims
The objective of the game is to help students to learn and consolidate basic grammar and to correct the most common errors in a fun way.

The game consists of 132 cards with multiple-choice questions, divided into two decks of different colours. There are 60 blue cards for verb forms and 60 red cards with other grammar points. There are also 12 lifeline cards. The board consists of a large tree with 120 leaves. It is divided into two parts so that the game can be played by two players or two teams.

Colucci, Chiara
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