Anne O'Keeffe, Steven Walsh, Michael McCarthy

National Geographic learning
ISBN: 9781424052530

Kniha pro učitele zaměřená na slovní zásobu

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VOCABULARY MATRIX : 9781424052530

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Kniha pro učitele zaměřená na slovní zásobu deal of their time and energy on lexical matters, this titledeserves a warm welcome, particularly from participants oncertificate-level courses or those in the early stages of their career.The authors remind us in their preface how ?we need to develop in ourstudents an awareness of the dynamic nature of words, their meaning andtheir many uses?. Too right, and in order to put across the messagethat words exist within a complex matrix, hence the title of thissuperb methodology resource, the reader is taken through the life-storyof wordth areconnotations of the currently in vogue use of ?cool?. Chapter threedeals with collocations, such as ?heavy rain? aormative. Since eachchapter contains mini tasks, along with review questions at the end,this title may be used either independently, by teachers seekingco-operative development, or trainers on the Celta and Delta. Vocabulary Matrix opens with taskson what a word is, before moving onto issues over the pronunciation ofitems like ?cough?, ?tough? and ?bough?. It next looks at the originsof words like ?amok?, ?feng shui? and ?ombudsman?. Chapter two coverswords and their meanings, dealing with polysemy, i.e. how words such as?race? and ?handsome? hold more than one meaning. Also dealt wiKey Features:

National Geographic learning
Anne O'Keeffe, Steven Walsh, Michael McCarthy
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