Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom PB

Day, R. & Bamford, J.

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521568296

kniha pro učitele se zaměřuje na dovednost čtení, prostřednictvím kterého si studenti rozšiřují slovní zásobu a osvojují fráze

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Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom PB : 9780521568296

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kniha pro učitele se zaměřuje na dovednost čtení, prostřednictvím kterého si studenti rozšiřují slovní zásobu a osvojují fráze This examination of extensive reading shows how reading large quantities of books and other materials can provide students with essential practice in learning to read towards reading extensive reading introduced; a cognitive view of reading; affect - the secret garden of reading; the power of extensive reading - results from the research; extensive reading and the second language curriculum. Part 2 Materials for extensive reading - issues in development: the cult of authenticity and the myth of simplification; language learner literature. Part 3 The practice of extensive reading: setting up a programme - curricular decisions; materials - the lure and the ladder; the extensive reading library; student orientation; building a community of readers; the reading community in action; programme evaluation; taking the approach less travelled. Contents: Part 1 The dimensions of extensive reading: an approach less taken - extensive reading introduced; a cognitive view of reading; affect - the secret garden of reading; the power of extensive reading - results from the research; extensive reading and the second language curriculum. Part 2 Materials for extensive reading - issues in development: the cult of authenticity and the myth of simplification; language learner literature. Part 3 The practice of extensive reading: setting up a programme - curricular decisions; materials - the lure and the ladder; the extensive reading library; student orientation; building a community of readers; the reading community in action; programme evaluation; taking the approach less travelled.

Cambridge University Press
Day, R. & Bamford, J.
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