Genuine Articles Student´s Book


Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521278003

kniha přináší originální autentické texty pro studenty na středně pokročilé úrovni - učebnice

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Genuine Articles Student´s Book : 9780521278003

544 Kč

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kniha přináší originální autentické texty pro studenty na středně pokročilé úrovni - učebnice Authentc reading texts for intermediate students of American English. In the 24 units of the Student's Book, the type of writing varies, with examples of instruction, description, narrative, persuasion, and classification. The practical exercises that follow each text are designed to teach rather than test, and promote an active approach to reading. Summary-skills exercises in each unit help students organize information in the text and build mental summaries. Other exercises include scanning, drawing inferences, guessing vocabulary from context, and recognizing cohesive links within a text.

Cambridge University Press
americká angličtina