Learner English

Swan, M. & Smith, B.

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521779395

Kniha pro učitele angličtiny se zaměřuje na hlavní problémy s výslovností, gramatikou, slovní zásobou a jiné chyby.

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Learner English : 9780521779395

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Kniha pro učitele angličtiny se zaměřuje na hlavní problémy s výslovností, gramatikou, slovní zásobou a jiné chyby. Learner English - A Teacher's Guide to Interference and Other Problems, now updated, offers guidance to teachers dealing with the specific problems of students from different language backgrounds. It is a practical reference guide which compares the relevant features of the student's own language with English, helping teachers to predict and understand the problems their students may have.

Chapters of the book focus on major problems of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and other errors.
New chapters deal with Korean, Malay & Indonesian and Polish language backgrounds.
A cassette/audio CD contains recordings of learners illustrating the various accents dealt with in the book.

Cambridge University Press
Swan, M. & Smith, B.
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