Second Language Writing (Cambridge Language Education Series) PB

Hyland, Ken

Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521534307

kniha je určena učitelům angličtiny a zaměřuje se na teorii i praxi psaní v cizím jazyce

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Second Language Writing (Cambridge Language Education Series) PB : 9780521534307

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kniha je určena učitelům angličtiny a zaměřuje se na teorii i praxi psaní v cizím jazyce The book provides a highly accessible and authoritative approach to the theory and practice of teaching writing. The paperback edition is a highly accessible and authoritative approach to the theory and practice of teaching writing to students of English. It systematically sets out the key issues in second language writing instruction to offer both pre-service and in-service teachers a guide to writing instruction grounded in current theory and research. The book includes chapters on approaches to teaching writing, needs analysis, syllabus design, lesson planning, task design, materials development, and feedback and assessment, and on using technology in writing classes and in conducting research. The author takes the clear stance that student writers not only need realistic strategies for drafting and revising, but also need a clear understanding of genre to structure their writing experience according to the demands and constraints of particular target contexts. There are review exercises, reflection questions, and copious examples to make the book extremely useful to prospective and practicing teachers alike. Contents: 1. Writing and writing teaching; 2. Second language writers; 3. Syllabus design and lesson planning; 4. Texts and materials in the writing class; 5. Tasks in the writing class; 6. New technologies in writing instruction; 7. Responding to student writing; 8. Assessing student writing; 9. Researching writing and writers.

Cambridge University Press
Hyland, Ken
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