CLIL Across Educational Levels

Dafouz & Guerrini

ISBN: 9788466802598

Série Richmond Handbooks for Teachers nabízí metodické příručky zaměřené na práci ve třídě

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CLIL Across Educational Levels : 9788466802598

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Série Richmond Handbooks for Teachers nabízí metodické příručky zaměřené na práci ve třídě CLIL across Educational Levels is a new addition to our Richmond CLIL Handbooks range. This complete volume of case studies taken from primary, secondary and tertiary contexts provides the long-awaited multi-purpose platform for CLIL professionals to actively engage in this growing field of teaching and learning. • Examines the origins, principles and benefits of Content and Language Integrated Learning • Allows practitioners to experiment with examples of good practice drawn from across the educational levels • ontains findings from research results into CLIL subjects at all levels, presented in clear engaging contexts • Offers a forum to share experiences among CLIL stakeholders • The CLIL website offers ready-made downloadable Power Point material and lesson plans for selected activities • The CLIL online forum enables teachers to share their favourite activities and presentations • Downloadable Power Point material from

Dafouz & Guerrini
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